happy 6 months!
somehow you managed to spend half a year with me and i couldn't be more grateful that you have.
(maybe i made a few special things for you, i kind of lost track of how many there were but we'll just go with it)

welcome to your first note and first gift!
aa aa, okay so getting sappy isn't really my strongsuit and you know that the best out of anyone so i don't wanna hear it! !! 1 but happy 6 months, that's like half of a whole year, that's kind of fucking wild you know. kind of wild that we started as platonics but tbh, we both know it was more of a way for us to date without actually datingdogubd. we literally flirted so much and still denied that we had any type of actual feelings for each other, how fucking stupid were we. i literally inhaled in big i have a crush on you energy, don't know why we didn't just make a move but ya know what, we're here now. on 6 months, 6 whole months. that shits wild. who would've ever thought that would happen ya know?
gifts gifts gifts!
your first gift, this is some exciting shit. not really, it's the same thing that almost everyone gives their s/o as a present but it's still something. even if i'm not unique. a personal playlist though? just for you? i got that.
(this is the only site where i could get all the songs i wanted im sorry)

welcome to your second note and second gift!
woo note time again. anyways, let's get real sappy. im so thankful for you if i'm gonna be flat out honest, like i just feel so lucky that i'm able to have you in my life and it really hits me sometimes how lucky i am. you truly make me so happy and i couldn't thank you enough, you've always been there for me and have always been the person that makes me smile at my worst times. i really love you so much and i couldn't be happier to have you as my boyfriend, the person that i love more than anything. i honestly want the best for you and would do whatever it takes to make sure that you have some form of happiness, that's what's important to me. i love you so much, thank you for everything that you've done for me.
gifts gifts gifts!
your second gift, this isn't really much either but we love to have some fucking love in this home, u know what i'm talking about bro? but anyways you know, it's big love hours, cool? cool dude!